Monday, December 20, 2010

Welp I Made it Home

Before I say anything else. Pat you were wrong! knowbody wants to here about "pro life". I even asked all ya'll to ask questions, but all I heard back were crickets chirping! I got several fold more views on my whiny blog post about my problems, than I did on the previous one when I opened the floor up to conversation. I interpret this as.... No one wants advice from me (assumptions are that I know nothing), however, people do read my writing to make them feel better about themselves, for not being as much of an idiot as me.... In my current emotional state my response is, fuck it, whatever keeps people coming back... give it two more weeks and I'm sure I'll manage to put a negative twist to it.

Im back in VT! 17 hours of driving and 4 medium dunkin dounuts coffees, 3 venti starbucks coffees, and 1 5 hour energy later I have made it. The new car that I bought is begging for me to put it out of its misery, but that girl aint seen nothin yet... the drive to Tuscon will be a drive time of 2 days and 4 hours!

Luckily I will have Colin('a) to keep me company on the drive. (the ('a) is just for effect because he's a total pansy and I'm going to own him when we get on the bike, but I still love him).

Anyways, I just wanted to say fair well to my Winston friends. Jenna, Joe, Zack, and Jamie, I had a great time visiting with you. I literally spent an entire day playing black ops with Jamie (something like 28.5 hours)! WTF! Riding with my new teammate Chris and old teammate Evan, we have so much to look forward to this season. Sierra your still cool, your pretty non-existent but "it's whatever", as you would say it. Emile I saw you one to many times, but its all good, its better this way. The whole Winston community is so supportive of each other and of me and my awkward lifestyle, you guys are awesome and I will miss you dearly this winter. Sorry I missed the cross race, its probably good that I didnt race anyways because I'm pretty sure I have the plague now.

Alright. Time to go workout in the basement. Its snowing and 18 degrees here, and its been dark for 3 hours. Its all good though because in 2 weeks I will be riding up this!

1 comment:

  1. Well, I won't be riding with you in three weeks because I will still be trapped in Ohio riding (if you can call it riding)a trainer. You do have it a lot better!
    merry Christmas!
