Monday, December 13, 2010

What do people want to know?

Okay, so it seems like there actually are a couple people who have an interest in what I have to say, so I feel like I should open the door for suggestions about future blog posts.

If there is any questions that you would like to have answered, I would love to take a stab at them. Are you curious about Kenda Pro Cycling's line up for next season? What are my goals for 2011? What to expect on the US pro circuit for 2011? Why am I bi-polar? Why have my panties been all in a bunch for the last week? Or just some general insight from a pro cyclist, just leave a comment on this thread and I will get at it.

Disclaimer! UVM'ers! Please do not exercise the same degree of respect that you have toward your own list serve... interpret that as you will.

Some Pics that I recently stumbled upon.

Future roommate, former lab co-worker Graham drinking dry-ice lab ethanol coffee

Here we see former UVM cyclist Vinnie making an impression of his former girlfriend.... moderately inappropriate, sorry.

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