Most people who haven't personally experienced crashing on a bicycle are still able to imagine how potentially painful crashing can be, but if you can't, imagine what it would be like to jump out your car window naked. That is exactly what crashing on a bicycle feels like, trust me, I have done both.

One of the 5 crashes I endured at Downers Grove last season
Surprisingly, in most cases the initial injures are not that painful. The real pain does not set in until several days after when the road rash starts to heal.
I'm writing this post to bring gravity to the magnitude of pain one faces when recovering from road rash. There is nothing sweet about the "raspberries" that liter the skin of cyclists after a crash. I always manage to get road rash right on places that bare weight when walking, sleeping, wearing cloths, and or everything. These puss spewing injuries hurt like a bastard all that time.
Clearly this post is motivated by the good sized scrape that I acquired at Wilmington. That sucker has forced me to sleep on my left side all night because every time I move I am woken up by the shooting pain that fills my body.

Picture of my puss filled hip
My crash was actually not bad at all, it could have been a million times worse. I just wanted to make a point to anyone who hasn't crashed on a bike. Even though the rider usually gets back up and continues racing after they crash, they are going to be dealing with an ever increasingly painful injury that will last for weeks to come.
On that note, its time to go get dressed for Ricola Twilight... dont worry, I've been knocking on wood since I started this post. I'll be good.
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