Today I exposed my arms and shins to the sun for the first time since October and I realized that my pasty complexion is super not pro. I am going to have to do something about putting some color into my skin before California. Even though I have little to no idea what it means to be "pro", I sure as hell know that you cant be going around looking like a Krispy Saltine. This is no Clearasil commercial, there is no bragging rights about being "clean and clear". Shaven pale legs look disgusting and feeble.
If I am as committed to this "breakout" season that I have been building up to my friends and family, I cannot do them wrong by not resolving this massive problem in swift time. As of now I have two ideas; first is the Clemson Cycling approach (more specifically the Ben Zawacki and followers hate) of going to a tanning salon and wearing my kit in the bed (I admit, I did it once or twice before), and the last idea is to lay out for a few hours after each ride to really hit those hard to reach spots. Regardless of how it gets done, we can all agree that it has to ge'it dun. I have to use those uv rays to burn the intimidating image of fitness into the eyes of my competitors so that people wont even attempt to cover my moves.

Cycling cosmetology is crucial but rarely discussed topic, just look at every cat 3 cyclist in america. Maybe Alex Grause (the "king"of UVM cycling swagger) could chime in and enlighten me on how to pull off the image of an accomplished cyclist, but we all know, this is not an image for me, this is my breakout year baby. Somebody dust my shoulders off.